How Do You Develop A Writing Mindset?

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 “If you can change your mind, you can change your life.” – William James.

Mindset seems like a buzzword at the moment, everyone is talking about it. But what is a mindset? And how do we create one that helps us become a better writer? 

What Is A Writing Mindset?

Your mindset is how you think about something. So, a writing mindset is how you think about writing. We want to develop a writer’s/ writing mindset that supports our creative work.

We want to think positively and use the way we think about writing, to work for us, rather than against us. Because what you think is what you become, and how you act.

How we approach and frame our writing problems can lead to positive or negative outcomes. Working on developing our mindset will support our writing process.

So, for example, if I believe and think I can only write on a Monday morning, I’m already making decisions about my ability to write on a Tuesday, so when Tuesday comes around, it’s even harder for me to write.

  • Or it could be you think you can only write in a certain genre.

  • Or only when the sun is shining.

  • Or when you are sitting in your favourite café.

  • Or if you’ve got the right pen.

  • Or the music you’re listening to is just right…

You know what I mean? You get the idea.

With our mindset it’s really important to remember, we are in control and understanding and managing the way we think, and approach writing is key to developing a mindset that’s conducive to writing.

Let’s look at a writing mindset in more detail.

A Writing Mindset Definition

A Writing Mindset – It’s about developing a way of thinking that supports creativity, productivity and persistence within our written work.

A Writing Mindset – It’s about reframing our thinking and challenging negative patterns of behaviour and automatic thinking. Automatic thinking is often negative, “I’m rubbish at poetry, I can’t write a poem”, something we’ve believed for years, and often it makes us feel bad about ourselves. A writing mindset would challenge this and force us to examine where this has come from.

A Writing Mindset – It’s about harnessing your attitude and self-belief to power through blocks and write. 

Why Do You Need A Writing Mindset?

There are so many benefits of working hard to develop a writing mindset. You will feel more in control of your writing. It won’t feel so elusive and magical. You’ll be able to decide to sit down and write and not depend on bursts of motivation or inspiration. You’ll learn to turn up and put in the hours.

Other Benefits Of Developing A Writing Mindset:

  • You will develop as a writer.

  • Create more joy around your writing.

  • Develop resilience.

Doubt, fear, judgement and procrastination will always exist, but if we learn to approach them differently with a writing mindset, we can start to overcome them.

We know what a writing mindset is and why we might need one, but how do we develop a writing mindset?

How Do You Develop A Writing Mindset?

We can look at the basics. The building blocks we need to help us to think about our writing productively and creatively.

This includes:

  • Having a clear writing routine.  Knowing when you have planned to write and scheduling your week regularly to fit writing in.

  • Set targets and goals for your work. This can help us push projects forward, rather than waiting to feel motivated or inspired. If we have targets and goals, our mindset is more focused.

  • Create a space for you to complete your work. Some people say when they sit at a certain desk it puts them in the right mind frame to write, rather than sitting on the sofa.

  • Make time for your writing. Some people say to treat your writing like a job and turn up for it regularly, this could work for you, it depends on your situation.

These basics are good, and they can help us with our writing, however, when we think of our writing mindset and how it shapes the way we approach our work, sometimes having a good writing routine and planning out when we will write simply isn’t enough. We need some more tools for when things get tough. In our developing a writing mindset workbook we go into detail, exploring some of the ways you can maintain and continually develop a writing mindset to help you in the long run.

The Tools That Get To The Heart Of What We Think And How We View Our Writing

#1 – Develop a growth mindset.

Carol Dweck from the University of Stanford explored how the power of our beliefs has an enormous impact on all areas of our lives, including our writing.  Dweck suggested most people either have a ‘fixed’ or ‘growth’ mindset. To develop a writing mindset, we need to approach our work with a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset believe challenges are good and there is no limit to our ability to learn and progress.  In other words, we will face setbacks, but they will help us become better writers. Who doesn’t want to believe that?

#2 – Ditch scarcity culture.

Scarcity culture tells us that there are already enough wonderful books in the world and that there isn’t space for yours. This is a lie. There is so much space for your work and the world needs to hear it. Developing a writing mindset means embracing the belief that there is more than enough space in the world for everyone’s art.

#3 – Develop your self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy is your belief in your ability to succeed. You need to believe in yourself and the possibility that you will finish your novel, poem, or book. Even though you know it will be difficult, you can still believe in your ability to succeed. Developing a writing mindset means you work on developing your self-belief and you use this to motivate you on the days when writing is really, really hard.

#4 –Embrace failure as part of the process.

Writing isn’t about being perfect, it’s a horrible myth that’s now become an expectation. But the first draft doesn’t have to be the best draft, we will fail and make mistakes and that’s okay. Developing a writing mindset allows you to understand that failure is part of the process and is actually part of how we get better.

Mastering Your Mindset

Mastering your mindset, and the way you think about writing is key to becoming more productive and prolific. The more you write, the better you get, the more disciplined you’ll be and the more you’ll enjoy the process.

Developing and mastering your mindset is a core part of our writing coaching. If you’d like to learn more about this topic, we think you’ll like our Writer’s Mindset Workbook. You can work through the activities in your own time and develop a mindset that works for you.

Laura Stroud

Laura Stroud is a writer. Working across non-fiction through her travel and lifestyle blog, Laura is the Chief Storyteller at -, where she writes for an audience of fellow storytellers who want to live a life of adventure. Laura has written multiple non-fiction books and teaches creative writing courses at Derbyshire Writing School. 


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