Here’s Why You Need To Embrace Experimenting With Genre

He'eHere’s Why You Need To Embrace Experimenting With Genre

In the Oxford Dictionary, genre is defined as a type of style, art or literature. Synonyms include type, variety, and classification. However, this creative writing blog is going to explore the question of whether this can perhaps feel a little rigid sometimes.

I used to think of genre as a single thing. I would try to write to one specific genre, romance being my typical choice. Yet, I can’t help thinking this could be quite restrictive at times. I had it in my mind that I could only write to that genre, and that I had to stick to certain rules and expectations. I didn’t appreciate the flexibility that genre can actually have.

Look at the Twilight franchise for example. A love story, without a doubt, but it doesn’t just fall into the romance genre. It also delves into the world of fantasy, incorporating tropes such as vampires, werewolves, and a sprinkle of magic.

So why should we expand our definition of genre? Why should we experiment with it?

Let’s dive in and explore the answers to these questions…


Creative writing is one place where we can roam completely free of rules and restraints. That’s something worth embracing, especially when it’s so easy to feel constrained, and lost, in the noise of our contemporary world. You don’t always have to make your story fit into a box.

Is there a story you’ve always thought about writing, but weren’t sure what genre it would fit into? Get it out of your mind and onto that page! Your story doesn’t have to be just one thing. Nobody can tell you what it is or isn’t. It’s your story. Your words. Embrace the freedom that creative writing offers. Go wild. Don’t filter those wonderful creative writing ideas of yours.

Genre can be wonderfully malleable. Use this to your advantage.

New possibilities

An alien love story. A mermaid ghost. Obscure ideas are sometimes the most fun to explore. They can contain the potential to really stretch those creative juices and lead you down new and exciting paths.

 Mixing genres, and playing with different ideas and elements, can unlock crazy, yet, original possibilities. The options are endless and exhilarating for us as writers.

Have you ever had an idea which you thought was completely ridiculous? That is perhaps the reason you should expand upon them. Don’t concern yourself with fitting it into one particular genre at this point. Just write. Where could that concept lead? Try to be as open-minded as possible, and you may find yourself heading in unexpected, yet stimulating, directions.

Letting go of expectations

Many of us will have developed expectations of particular genres, and taken note of certain tropes. And while this can be of great use to us when exploring that genre, it is also possible that paying too much attention to conventions could hinder us, too.

If we can let go of our expectations for a while, it could be a liberating experience. Not thinking if our work fits into a particular category, not worrying, can be a rewarding personal experience in itself. Sometimes, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to be different. It’s not something we should be afraid of, but something to be embraced.

But what about tradition?

Tradition and conventions will always have their place, but do we always have to stick to these? Is it possible that we’re guilty of doubting ourselves when we try to stretch these typical conventions? Don’t let this self-doubt win! Explore the writing opportunities that this alternative approach to genre offers.

 It is creative writing, after all. For me, that word is key. Creativity embraces play, experimentation, and range. It encourages us to blur boundaries, to make mistakes, and to see the difference as a good thing. Use the creative courage inside of you to step outside your comfort zone and explore genre.

How do you feel about genre? Do you enjoy experimenting with it? We’d love to hear from you!

If you’d like even more ideas to help you write your novel, check out our Novel Writing Course.

Lauren Davison

Lauren Davison is a Creative and Professional Writing student, currently studying at the University of Derby. She developed a passion for writing at a young age. She enjoys writing fiction and non-fiction.


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