Episode 30 - The Writer’s Toolbox - The Tool of Editing

How Do I Read Like A Writer?

Episode 30 - The Writer’s Toolbox - The Tool of Editing

In this episode, Pete and Laura take another delve into The Writer’s Toolbox and add the tool of editing as a writer. 

Hate it or love it, editing is a huge part of writing. We can’t avoid it, so it’s best to embrace it and ensure it’s part of or writing process. In this “Toolbox” podcast Peter and Laura chat about what we mean by editing?

  • Editing is about revision and preparation.

  • It’s about removing and adding.

  • It’s about clarity and purpose.

  • It’s the process of getting your work to the best standard it can be.

What are the four different types of editing?

  1. Substantive Edit

  2. Structural Edit

  3. Copy Edit

  4. Proofread

What editing tools we can use?

Is using the tool of editing worth it?

Editing in an essential part of the creative process. It can’t be rushed or avoided. Make time in your plans to ensure editing is central to your development as a writer. 

You won’t regret it!

We’d love to know how you got on editing as a writer. Use the email below and tell us how you have used this tool in your writing. 

We want to hear from you! info@derbyshirewritingschool.com

Send us a voice message - through Speakpipe.

Thanks for listening!


Episode 31- Guest Interview - Lucy Thorpe - How Do I Become A Freelance Writer?


Episode 29 - The Writer’s Toolbox - Constructing Characters